Alessio Caiazza

Il sapere umano appartiene al mondo.

No twitter webmentions for

Hello, I noticed that my twitter account no longer receives webmentions from bridgy.

It picks the reply but shows the “no webmention support” text, followed by my canonical post (both shortlink and permalink).

Today I was able to get a screenshot of when bridgy fetched replies for the first time:

bridgy sending webmentions

But nothing was received on and now bridgy tells me “no webmention support”

bridgy sending webmentions

The reply in the screenshots is this tweet.

I already checked but it seems not relevant in my case as the original post is discovered.

Could someone help me figure out if it’s a problem on my side or a legitimate bug? :pray:

( 59VCxN)

Hello. My name is Alessio Caiazza. I'm also known as nolith. I love writing code and technology. I'm passionate about production engineering.

This is where I write my thoughts trying to follow IndieWeb principles.

Staff Backend Engineer, Delivery @ GitLab


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