Alessio Caiazza

Il sapere umano appartiene al mondo.

Sending your first webmention

Yes, this website supports IndieWeb webmentions!

Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web.

This means that in order send a reply you need to publish it on your website first.

This is an example of a very simple reply to this page, if you can publish it somewere online and put your URL in the box at the end of this page, it will eventually appear on my website!

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My first webmention reply</title>
  <div class="h-entry">
    <!-- change the content with your own info, all fiels are optional -->
    <div class="u-author h-card"> 
      <img src="" class="u-photo" width="40">
      <a href="" class="u-url p-name">Alessio Caiazza</a>
      in reply to:
    <p class="e-content">This is my first webmention!</p>

Don’t know where to start? Take a look at the IndieWeb Getting Started page.

If you don’t have a website yet, you may consider using my GitLab Pages template to quickly create and deploy one.

( 59qCgD)

Hello. My name is Alessio Caiazza. I'm also known as nolith. I love writing code and technology. I'm passionate about production engineering.

This is where I write my thoughts trying to follow IndieWeb principles.

Staff Backend Engineer, Delivery @ GitLab


IU5BON HamRadio callsign

"Il sapere umano appartiene al mondo."

← An IndieWeb Webring πŸ•ΈπŸ’ β†’